Reporters’ Lab Launches Global Effort to Expand the Use of ClaimReview

At Global Fact 6 in Cape Town, the Lab launched an effort to help standardize the taging fact-checks.

By - July 17, 2019

The Duke Reporters’ Lab has launched a global effort to expand the use of ClaimReview, a standardized method of identifying fact-check articles for search engines and apps.

Funded by a grant from the Google News Initiative, The ClaimReview Project provides training and instructional materials about the use of ClaimReview for fact-checkers around the world. 

photo of Bill presenting at Global Fact
Bill Adair at the Global Fact 6 conference

ClaimReview was developed through a partnership of the Reporters’ Lab, Google, Jigsaw, and It provides a standard way for publishers of fact-checks to identify the claim being checked, the person or entity that made the claim, and the conclusion of the article. This standardization enables search engines and other platforms to highlight fact-checks, and can power automated products such as the FactStream and Squash apps being developed in the Reporters’ Lab.

“ClaimReview is the secret sauce of the future,” said Bill Adair, director of the Duke Reporters’ Lab. “It enables us to build apps and automate fact-checking in new and powerful ways.”

Slightly less than half of the 188 organizations included in our fact-checking database use ClaimReview.

Joel Luther at a Global Fact workshop

At the Global Fact 6 conference in Cape Town, the Lab led two sessions designed to recruit and train new users. During a featured talk titled The Future of ClaimReview, the Lab introduced Google’s Fact Check Markup Tool, which makes it easier for journalists to create ClaimReview. They no longer have to embed code in their articles and can instead create ClaimReview by submitting a simple web form.

In an Intro to ClaimReview workshop later in the day, the Lab provided step-by-step assistance to fact-checkers using the tool for the first time. 

The Lab also launched a website with a user guide and best practices, and will continue to work to expand the number of publishers using the tool.